Brian Doyle's News

Doylestudio at Beacon Open Studios

Three groups of work were featured in photographs, on an LCD screen slide show, and on a looped video monitor with custom stand. The projects were shot during a ticker tape parade in downtown NYC, during a hurricane at Kennedy Space Center, and of architectural oddities in rural Greece.

Boundary and photo slide show
"Boundary" and an LCD screen featuring another image from Greece, an untitled photograph of an empty house.

Launch bunker (Ophelia gathering)
"Understory", "Launch bunker (Ophelia gathering)", and a cube monitor with video on a loop, here featuring the music video "Our Lady of Palermo".

Videos on loop: Current (Reprise) shown here
Video monitor and custom stand, here featuring "Current (Reprise)".

"Landing", shot during the first ticker parade post 9-11.


Doylestudio ready for Beacon Open Studios

Photos are hung, video is playing, wine and brownies are on the way... looking forward to seeing you at the studio this weekend.

Doylestudio pop-up gallery


Doylestudio open during Beacon Open Studios

Doylestudio took part in Beacon Open Studios on Sept. 24 and 25th, 2011. The studio was open from noon to 6pm. Recent films, including "Current (Reprise)", and new photography were on display.
Beacon Open Studios logo


New photograph in Beacon Open Studios Kickoff group show – opening Saturday, Sept. 10

I'll be showing a new photograph, titled "Understory", in Beacon Open Studios Kickoff group show at Hudson Beach Glass, 162 Main St., Beacon. Please come by the opening on Saturday, Sept. 10 from 6-9pm. More info here.

"Understory" was shot in downtown Manhattan during the production of my film "Current (Reprise)", which screened recently at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival.

Check out the new photograph in the photo section of