Launch at CUFF
LAUNCH screens at the Chicago Underground Film Festival, Chicago, IL, Oct. 29 - Nov. 2, 2008
Launch is in the Short Documentary Category in the program "Short Social Sing-alongs". Screening on Nov. 2, 4:45pm at the Viaduct Theater #2, 3111 N. Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60618.
This will be my 4th screening at CUFF - they have screened nearly all of my work. More info here.
Current on Spanish TV
The Spainsh television station TVE broadcasts Current on their program "Metropolis", Oct. 19 , 2008
Current screened on TVE LA 2, at 12:30 am in Metropolis's program "El Aire". More info here.
Launch in Lausanne
LAUNCH screens at the Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival, Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct. 15-19 , 2008
Launch will be in the Documentary Competition in the program "American Landscapes ". Screenings on Oct. 16, 4:15pm at Arsenic and Oct. 17, 10:30pm at Cinema Oblo.
This will be my 3rd time screening in Lausanne - a wonderful festival that has grown remarkably over the years.
More info here.